Only a few days to go to Walk Day!! Thank you so much to everyone who has signed up to

talk. It's going to be a great day.
Here is some handy information in readiness for the big day.
Walkers should be capable of completing their chosen walk and should seek medical advice if in doubt. If walking the ‘marathon’ they should be able to finish in less than 9 hours, an average of at least 3 mph.
Please be aware there are stiles and gates on the route so for further specific access advice please contact the Walk Registrar.
Wheelchairs and pushchairs are not suitable for these country path walks - if you however, do use them then you will need helpers to get over stiles.
Walkers are strongly advised to have suitable warm & wet weather clothing. Stout walking boots are advised particularly for the long walks - trainers are not really suitable in the muddy & wet areas of the walk.
Please allow plenty of time for parking particularly on the later walks.
There are many car parks in Romsey which are FREE on Sunday (except ALDI and Waitrose) as you can see these on the car parking map on the maps page>.

All walkers need to "Check In" at the Crosfield Hall, Romsey, and are transported to their starting point by coach from outside the Crosfield Hall.
Public parking is free on Sundays and a map showing directions and car parks can be downloaded from the maps page>.
Please allow at least 20 minutes for check in - if walkers arrive late they may have to join a shorter walk.
Coaches will leave Romsey Crosfield Hall to take walkers to their chosen start point as follows:--
Start 1: St. Mary Bourne c25.5 miles (c41k) - leaves Romsey 07.00 hrs
Start 2: Wherwell c16 miles (c26k) - leaves Romsey 09.00 hrs
Start 3: Stockbridge c11 miles (c18k) - leaves Romsey 10.30 hrs
Start 4: Horsebridge c8 miles (c13k) - leaves Romsey 11.30 hrs
Start 5: Mottisfont Church c5 miles (c8k) - leaves Romsey 12.15 hrs
A route map with emergency telephone numbers will be available at check in.
At "Check In", Yellow and White identification tags are issued to each walker. The yellow tag is given to the transport steward when you all board the coach, this confirms your presence on the walk. The white tag should be attached to your clothing with the tie provided. Please hand this in at the finish to confirm you have finished arrived.
Once dropped off at your starting point you will walk back to Romsey Memorial Park where

you will receive your medal.
PLEASE BE AWARE - its approximately 400m walk back to the town centre car park from Memorial Park.
Dogs are welcome on coaches, and the walk, but must be on a short lead at all times since contact with livestock and game birds is possible.
Refreshments: Supplies of water will be available at the start and at various points of the walk. There are also pubs, cafes & picnic areas at various points on the walk but please do not stop for long as you must finish by 5.30.
Latest Arrival Times - IMPORTANT:
If you are not at the following locations on or before the following times you will not finish the walk by 5.30pm.
When arriving at Parsonage farm after 4.30 you may be requested by marshals to take transport back to the Romsey Memorial Park. If you continue to walk after this time you will do so AT YOUR OWN RISK. The marshals will have been stood down, extra signs removed and the finish at the park will have closed.
Toilets are available at:-
Portable toilets at Longparish on the gravel path between school and church.
The White Lion at Wherwell.
Portable toilets north of Stockbridge where Test Way path joins the road.
Portable toilets at Lion's Den Car Park which is a few hundred yards south of the Stockbridge start point adjacent to the left-hand side of the path.
Portable toilets Lower Brook, where the Test Way crosses the river.
Portable toilets at Mottisfont Abbey by the staff car park at the exit of estate.
Portable toilets at 200m past Salisbury Lane.
All portable sets of toilets are clearly marked by a free-standing sign.
The map you get at check-in has the toilets marked and the marshals will have a detailed map with the locations and can direct you.
The walk route is well signposted and marshals will help direct you and deal with any difficulties.
Please do not leave the walk without notifying a marshal and handing in your white tag.
First aiders will be in attendace in case of a medical emergency and walkers should contact a marshal immediately to obtain help or call the emergency number.
In the unlikely event where adverse conditions might force the cancellation of the walk, please check the Walk Web Site for the latest information.
After the walk:
Please tell your supporters that you have successfully completed the walk and encourage them to donate via Just Giving or Sponsorship sheets.
Please submit any sponsorship money raised by sponsorship sheets within 3 weeks of the walk completion - see the ‘Using Sponsorship Sheets’ section for details of how to submit them to the treasurer.
Money for Just Giving is automatically routed to the Walk Treasurer.
Rotary will collect all the sponsorship and send to your chosen charities.
While we are dependent on walkers sending in their sponsorship money on time, we plan to complete this distribution to charities by January, but where appropriate will send out interim payments in December.